Thursday, December 22, 2011

Old Ramblings 2009

Poor Madda Madda

Mar 8, 2009

Joseph was running through the house with Maddalyn (no, he's not ALLOWED to do this) and fell on top of her.  She can't walk or even bear weight.  We went to the ER.  Xrays were normal.  Ibuprofen and follow-up w/her doc.  She's such a go getter.  She hates to sit still.  She can't understand why she can't walk.  Poor baby.  Don't know if she can even crawl yet.  She's very clingy (rightfully so).

Life update

Mar 29, 2009

Maddalyn is now nodding her head yes and no.  When she does yes, she kinda shakes her whole body too.  Reminds me of a bobble head.  Her personality is REALLY blossoming.  She knows what she wants and gets mad if she can't have it.  I think I need to buy her a spare toothbrush.  She pitches a horrible fit when we are done brushing teeth and she has to give it up.  I've tried letting her put it away and that only worked once until she realized she wasn't getting it back.  The older kids are learning that if you don't want Maddalyn in your stuff, you have to keep it safe.  Don't bother putting it "up" because just like the rest of them, she's a climber too.

Christan has recently practiced her barbershop skills on her dollies...and herself.  Lovely as always.  She's really enjoying school and playing with her friends.  She just learned how to tie her shoes too!  I"m so proud of her.  My mom showed her the "bunny ears" way and she picked right up on it and the next day I showed her the "loop, swoop and pull" twice and she's doing it!  Not perfect and it takes time...but she CAN do it, dang it.  (Joseph can't even do the loop, swoop and pull.)

Joseph is covered in ringworm AAAAAAAAAGH.  I've been putting antifungal on it and it seems to be spreading anyway.  I will be calling the doctor tomorrow.  He's back to riding the bus.  Let's hope he can maintain his bus behavior.  I"m looking forward to not taking him to and picking him up from school.  Makes life a tiny bit less hectic.  He sure is growing up.  It's crazy how fast it happens right before your eyes.

I talked with Drake today.  While he was at JDC, they stopped his ADHD meds.  He went to the doctor yesterday and they started it back up for him.  He said he feels a lot better and can really notice the difference.  This is a wonderful thing to hear from my child who has been arguing about how the meds don't do anything and just make him feel like crap.  He had his 1st day of school.  He seems to like it.  The family he is staying with are very nice and he is getting along well with *most* of the other foster boys.  (A 9-yr-old is annoying him but hey, that's what 9 yr olds do.)  He sounds wonderful!  Yesterday they did community service.  It sounds like he was working at a food bank type thingy.

I have had a pretty productive day.  I FINALLY got the Christmas lights and ornaments taken down.  I was kinda holding out for Drake to help me do it but c'mon now, it's almost April.  JJ helped me take care of those.  The kids and I worked together to get their rooms cleaned and I got the rest of the house picked up and vacuumed.  Dishes WERE done LOL.  JJ wanted to give me a break so he took Joseph and Christan to the Natural History museum at KU.  Maddalyn is taking a nap and it is so quiet.  I'm trying to get work done's the weekend and I really want to NOT work.  But....that won't pay the bills so...I'm off to do what I do before Madda Madda wakes up and says it's time to PLAY.

Pregnancy is going fine as far as I know.  I have low progesterone so am taking Prometrium and have my levels drawn again tomorrow.  The kids don't know I'm pregnant yet but everyone else knows.  I'm ready to tell them but JJ doesn't want to because of the miscarriage last month.  (We had told the kids.)  So...I guess we're going to wait a while.

Whisperings of a 4-yr-old

Apr 10, 2009 

Christan and I have conversations all the time about how daddy is so lucky to have three beautiful girls, how girls are special because they can have babies grow in their tummies...and the biggest secret of all...girls are smarter than boys, but we don't tell the boys that because it will make them mad.

So tonight, daddy says how he is lucky to have three beautiful girls.  I told daddy that we talk about that all the time and Christan runs to him and whispers in his ear "Don't be mad but girls are smarter than boys."

Another funny...last weekend my mom was in town visiting and I was telling her about Joseph's rash and how he had a few spots on his scrotum.  Christan runs to Nana and whispers "A scrotum is a ball sack."  Mom couldn't help but laugh.

Christan cracks me up.

Coming clean with a dirty little secret

Apr 21, 2009 

I've been having an affair.  It started when I was a sophomore or junior in high school.  I snuck around behind my parents' backs knowing they wouldn't approve.  When I was 19, I found out I was pregnant and kicked that loser to the curb....until my MIL moved in with me when my son was 2 months old.  I was driven back to my dirty little secret.  And so it continued...hiding it from my parents still even as an adult...until I found out I was pregnant again in 2001.  Again...I kicked it out of my life.  That lasted for about 6 years.  I don't have any idea how it started YET AGAIN...but it did.  Unfortunately, it was going on through my entire 4th pregnancy.  I've known it was wrong.  In fact, I would say there are only a few CM friends that even know.  I've kept it hidden because I was ashamed but now that it is finally over...forever...for the rest of my freakin' goes....

I quit smoking Sunday!  My affair with the nicotine man is OVER.  

It is a nasty, expensive, health hazard and I will have no more of it!  I chose to quit while DH is out of town.  Though that is a little crazy since I have no help with the children, I decided to do it this way because he is not here for me to steal cigarettes from!  I have made it past the 48 hours that it takes for your body to stop craving nicotine.  Don't get me wrong, I've thought about cigarettes a lot in the past 48 hours but I know the only way to quit is to QUIT.  I keep thinking of the words of a wise old Jedi master (omg, I'm such a nerd).  "Do or do not...there is no try."-Yoda. 

I guess it's over

Jul 6, 2009 

I've updated my profile page and changed my siggy...I'm no longer pregnant and breastfeeding.  Before you freak out...yes, I'm still pregnant!  Maddalyn has given up the boob.  It seems kind of crazy to me.  It was just in March or April she was nursing ALL NIGHT long...seriously...all night.  Then she stopped most of her night nursing...only nursing 1st thing in the morning (and then she'd doze off again for another hour) before naps and bed.  Then she quit nursing before naps/bedtime.  Then she dropped her early morning feeding.  Last Wednesday was the last time she nursed.

She is the first child I have not weaned myself.  I was concerned about how I would handle breastfeeding when 8-9 months pregnant and not wanting anyone to touch me but I told myself to follow my own freakin' advice and not worry about it...just go with the flow.  Good thing I didn't fret over it because it apparently would have just been a huge waste of time.

The Journey to James Dylan

Nov 25, 2009 

Something I should have known as the mother of four (soon to be five) is that EVERY pregnancy, birth and child IS different.  This pregnancy was by far the easiest of them all.  No, I don't usually have particularly difficult pregnancies but I do have physical discomfort (that is to be expected) especially in the last trimester.  However, even THAT was absent this time around.  I found myself weeks from my due date thinking "where did this pregnancy go?  I'm not ready for it to end." 

As my due date approached, I started stressing out about whether my mom would be able to attend the birth or not.  She is my #1 birth partner and has taken care of me during every labor.  We communicate on a level that does not require words.  I do not have to express my needs to her.  She just meets them.  (Just as she always has...she was AP before there WAS an AP LOL.)  The problem was that she lives about three hours away and also runs her own business which gets VERY busy a few days before Thanksgiving and stays that way until the weekend following.  I felt like I was on a time frame of when I had to have the baby in order for her to be here.  On Friday (my due date), mom called to let me know that it didn't matter when I had the baby...she would be here regardless.  I jokingly told her that I just wished my water would break so that I would KNOW it was time for her to come.  Although, that has never happened before and quite honestly, the thought of laboring without the cushion of my amnio sac scared me. 

I had some contractions that evening from 5-7 minutes apart for about 3 hours.  I hoped they would turn into something but figured they would just be more of the prodromal labor I'd been experiencing.  I went to bed knowing that either the contractions would fizzle out or intensify.  I was right...they faded away.   I woke periodically through the night with Maddalyn hollering or my bladder hollering...but at 5:37 a.m., something really strange awoke me.  It felt like someone had just thumped me in the side of my belly.  I thought "that was weird" and rolled over to my other side.  As I rolled, I felt a warm glug, glug, glug.  "There is no way my water just broke.  My water doesn't break until LATE in labor."  By the time I got to the bathroom, I was soaked down to my knees.  I checked the color and called my mom to get her on the road.  I called my midwife to let her know what was going on and she encouraged me to stay hydrated and be sure to eat.

My day was really pretty normal.  I took care of the kids, did some laundry...and a lot of pacing.  My contractions began around 6:00 a.m. and would come every 10-15 minutes.  Around Maddalyn's nap time, they had faded to every 30 minutes.  I decided to take a nap with her because I figured I'd probably be in for a long night.  By the time nap was over, my contractions were back to about every 10 minutes.  I was really getting irritated.  I felt like I was going to be in labor forever because my contractions were so far apart.  They weren't painful at all and not requiring any attention or focus from me so I just thought they probably weren't really doing anything either.

I checked in with my midwife at 5:00 p.m.  The "big" birth room (with tub) was in use by another mama and would probably be available in the next few hours.  I decided that without the tub being available, there was nothing I could do at the birth center that I couldn't do at home so we just hung out a little longer.  My contractions started coming about every 7 minutes around 6:00 p.m.  Around 7:00 p.m., they were about every 4-5 minutes.  They were starting to require a little bit of attention from me.  I would lean over against my desk or table and rock my hips side to side.  They weren't lasting very long and were not at all what I would call intense.  I decided I wanted to get Maddalyn to sleep before I went to the birth center.  She had taken a late nap with me so I waited until about 8:30 to put her down.  JJ offered to put her to bed.  He said "Uh, you were just breathing through that contraction and I thought you said when you had to start breathing through them, it was time for you to go."  I told him I was fine.  I just wanted to get her to bed. 

I laid with her and at first, there was a lull in my contractions.  I thought it was pretty cool...that my body was letting me get her to bed without having contractions.  Then...I had three contractions with in a few minutes of each other.  These were different.  They DID require my attention.  With the first one, I got up on hands and knees and rocked with Maddalyn the copy cat on her hands and knees right beside me (silly monkey).  The next two, I just laid on my side and rubbed my belly.  After the third contraction, Maddalyn was asleep and I was telling myself that I had to get up though I didn't really want to.  I walked out of the room, told mom it was time to go and that I was feeling shaky.  We got in mom's van at 9:09 p.m.  It took 8 minutes and 3 contractions to get to the birth center.  Those contractions were very different....very intense and VERY hard for me to stay relaxed through. 

When we got to the birth center, I walked in and smiled at my midwife.  She asked if I was feeling pushy and I told her no.  The contractions were coming very close together at this point.  I went to the bathroom, changed into a night gown, had my blood pressure checked and listened to the baby's heart rate.  My girlfriend Melody and her daughter Olivia arrived as I was climbing into the bed and began pushing.  A total of 20 minutes after arriving at the birth center, James Dylan was born.  He came so quietly into the world.  He didn't even cry. 

I kept saying how I didn't think he was as big as Joseph (my largest baby).  The midwife weighed him and asked what weight my largest baby was.  I told her 8 lb 2 oz.  She said, well...not anymore.  James was 8 lb 11 oz, 21 1/4" long....born with NO interventions.  I guess it only makes sense that the easiest pregnancy ended with the easiest birth. 

No more excuses

Apr 6, 2010 

I'm fat.  Yes, I just had a baby, but I was fat before I got pregnant.

Let me back up.  In about 2005, I caught sight of myself in my mom's full-length mirror in her bathroom after getting out of the tub and about puked.  I was at my heaviest weight (240 lb) and REFUSED to gain one more pound!  I joined Weight Watchers and after 18 months, lost 65 lb and felt fantastic.  Then I stopped following the program, gained about 25 lb, got pregnant, gained about 30 lb (AFTER having the baby), got pregnant again....After I had James in November, the least I weighed was 218 lb...the most I weighed was 232 lb.  Yep, I gain weight while breastfeeding.

I guess I've always used breastfeeding as my excuse to not "diet" for fear of compromising my supply.  Well, I KNOW Weight Watchers works and I KNOW they have a breastfeeding program so...I joined on 03/26/10.  Weighing in at 226.2 lb.

The awesome thing is, I'm SO not dieting.  I am changing my eating habits.  I am never hungry.  I never feel deprived of anything.  No one is telling me what I can and can't eat...except me.

As of 03/02, I've lost 6.2 lb.  My goal is to be back to my prepregnancy FIRST prepregnancy weight (LMAO) which was 155 lb by my 20 year class reunion (which isn't until 2012 so...totally obtainable goal).  That is a healthy BMI for my height.  I know I can do this and am excited to have started my journey to a healthier life.

Troubled Child

I am putting all of my journals in one place regarding my trials with Drake. 

Bringing home Drake 

Feb 29, 2008 

Drake, my first baby...the first time I knew TRUE unconditional love...Drake was having a very hard time here (at my home) toward the end of the last school year.  He didn't care at all about his grades.  Honestly, I cared more than he did about getting homework done and handed in.  He was mouthy and argumentative.  I thought maybe I was failing him.  I thought that he needed something more than I could give...100% attention.  My mom offered to have Drake come stay with her this school year (about 2 1/2 hours away) and I took her up on it.  She wanted to make a difference in Drake's life and I had hoped it would be just what he needed.  Someone who could give them their full attention.

 This past 7 months has been hard on everyone.  My little ones miss their brother and don't really understand why he is gone (other than he is going to school in Nana's town).  My husband misses his fishing buddy, his friend, his son.  I miss my boy and it is so hard to take care of him when he isn't IN my care.  The person that I think this has been hardest on though is my mom.  Drake has been so rude, disrespectful, pushy and just down right an ass to my mom.  It breaks my heart.  She is my mother!  She is a GREAT mother too.  She has so much more patience than I have.  She is very level headed.  She doesn't leap before she looks (which I do quite often).  She also can put up with being shit on for only so long....and rightfully so.
 Drake is coming home.  Mom has had enough of his verbal and emotional abuse.  I don't blame her in the least.  He is MY responsibility.  If he is going to shit on someone, it should be me...not my momma.  She deserves to be Nana and Nana only, not a Mom to a teen.  She raised her kid.  I appreciate everything she has done for Drake.  He has consumed her every waking moment for the past 7 months.  I hope she feels a great relief though I know she is going to feel lost and lonely for a while.

 So now...I must mentally prepare.  Don't get me wrong, Drake can be an absolutely WONDERFUL person.  He loves to help out the less fortunate.  He cares greatly for his friends.  But he is also 13...a alien in my child's body.  Puberty sucks.  That difficult place between not yet a man, but not a little boy.  I'm really not looking forward to the conflicts and will have to practice patience (of which I generally have very little).

 He enrolls in school Monday.  I tried to enroll him today but the lady that handles it all was gone for the day.  I need to call Family Service and Guidance Center so that we can continue his medication management and get started again in counseling.  Drake has mood disorder.  They are pretty positive he is bipolar but don't want to give him a definite diagnosis yet.  He is also ADHD.  So...even though he is my sweet Dr. Jekyll...he's also my horrible Mr. Hyde.  I am happy to have him home, for my family to be under one roof but I guess I kinda worry about the impact he will have on the household...his interactions with the other children, etc.

 We will be sitting down for a family meeting when Drake gets home.  I want to talk with all of the children about loving their siblings, not trying to irritate them and not being hurtful or antagonistic.  I am sure I will be seeking the advice of my friends in time to come.

 I'm kind of rambling at this point.  Some of you actually KNOW Drake and wondered what was going there's your scoop.    Keep us in your thoughts.

Drake meets the Topeka PD 

Aug 31, 2008 

Drake ran away last night....twice.  The first time, I loaded the girls up in the van and went to Drake's girlfriend's house which is where he went.  I talked with him calmly about the situation and told him he could stay 10 minutes more (as a little cool down time) and then needed to come home.  I explained that this was his "warning" regarding running off and that no further discipline would come of it provided he was home at 9:45 p.m.  I tried to get a hug to seal the deal but he was still pretty worked up so the best I got was a pinky shake.  (He was mad because his dad grounded him.)  At 10:00 p.m. when he still wasn't home, I loaded the baby in the van and went to get him.  He was about 1/2 way home (his girlfriend lives maybe 4 blocks from us) and  I pulled over in the parking lot near him and asked him to get in the van.  He told me no and that he was walking home.  I told him the time and that he needed to just get in the van.  He said "screw you" and took off again.

I came home and called the crisis line for our mental health provider (Drake has many mental health diagnoses) and explained the situation.  They told me I needed to call the police to report him as a I did.  The officer came and filed a report.  I gave him Drake's girlfriend's address and told him if Drake wasn't there, she may have more ideas where he could be.  About 20 minutes later, the officer returned with a sweaty, crying, sorry Drake.  I held him in my arms, kissed his sweaty head and told him how much I loved him and that running off was not acceptable.  I told him he just needed to take his meds and go to bed.  He asked if he was grounded.  I told him we'd talk about it tomorrow.  He wanted to know NOW so I told him yes.  Insert downward spiral with episodes of screaming, punching walls, throwing things, wrestling with dad (and not in fun) followed by another call to the police.   Drake was so worked up, he was hyperventilating.  The officers calmed him down and took him to the juvenile detention center for intake where they basically just make a report and let him talk through what has happened.  At 12:30 a.m., they called and told me he was ready to come home.  I decided to leave the baby at home because I had just fed her and should only be gone 20 minutes.  (I NEVER leave her.)  Ahh...finally, it was over.  (I'm sick and my whole plan for the evening had been to be in bed asleep by 9:00 p.m.)  But it was NOT over.

When I picked Drake up, the woman told me to just have him go to bed and not further discuss what had gone on until the morning or he would just get all worked up again (No shit.).  When we got out to the van, he told me "I just want him to stay away from me."  "Him" being his dad (my DH who adopted him about 7 years ago but has raised him for 10 years).  I told him that he just needed to listen and do what he was told.  Drake then started SCREAMING at me so I took the keys out of the ignition and headed back in the detention center while at the same time, Drake took off AGAIN.  They called the police...again.  I went back to the van to find Drake inside it so headed back in the detention center again to let them know.  They cancelled the call to the police.  When I went back outside, I couldn't see Drake initially.  He was hiding between the rows of seats.  I got in and drove for a while before telling him that when we got home, I wanted him to come in the house and go to his room.

Of course when we got home (a whole 10-minute drive), Drake was "asleep."  I grabbed his wrist to try to pull him up and he jerked it away from me which (I guess) made me touch his bloody knuckle and he started crying again.  I told him I was sorry that he punched the wall but that he needed to come inside.  I went in the house to hear BAWLING from Maddalyn.  Apparently she woke up about 10 minutes after I left and was NOT pleased with the absent mommy.  I took her from DH and went out to get Drake yet again.  He had moved up to sitting in the seat but again was "asleep."  I grabbed his pant leg and pulled on it.  He yelled at me and I finally snapped and yelled back to get in the house.  Once again, he refused.  I told him fuck it...I'll just go call the cops AGAIN.

While I was relaying to DH what was going on, Drake decided to come in.  Thankfully, he went to his room and laid down....silence...finally at 2:00 a.m.

Drake and I recently completed a class called Parenting with Love and Limits.  I have always been short on patience and felt the need to have the last word. I have been working hard to parent in a different way, from a different angle because what I had been doing, was not working.  I was so proud of myself for staying calm and in control of ME and trying to work with Drake.  When he ran off the second time (the screw you time), my heart just broke.  I was trying to help Drake and he just stomped on me.  I am STILL proud that I didn't loose my cool until the VERY end.  I know, I know...loosing your cool isn't a good thing but by nature, I am short-tempered.  On top of that, I am sick and the only thing that makes me better is sleep.  At 2:00 a.m., I couldn't be nice anymore especially after it blowing up in my face repeatedly. have talked about what Drake needs to do when he feels that "flight" response (which is anytime he knows he won't be able to talk to or see his girlfriend).  We discussed the guidelines of his grounding and the fact that while I take the other kids to the pool for the last day it is open, he will be staying home with Dad and working in the yard to get cars moved around (DH is a car collector...if only they ran...)  He accepted it all without a fight.  We'll see how the rest of the weekend goes...

For those that don't know, Drake has multiple mental health issues so while dealing with "normal" boys being pumped with testosterone isn't easy...dealing with "special" ones is even harder.  I thought I was done "mourning" the loss of my Draker Bunny, that sweet, thoughtful, playful, happy little boy I once had....but I don't really think I am.

Drake...round 2

Sep 9, 2008 

Drake ran away again tonight.  Why?  Because he didn't want to do the dishes.  The police picked him up and brought him home.  While one officer was talking to me and DH, the other was outside with Drake.  Drake told him that when they left, he would run away again.  So...they handcuffed him and took him to intake.  After hours on the phone with this person and that person, he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for evaluation.  An officer escorted him, handcuffed again.  He was crying and scared.  All I could do was hug him and tell him that I love him.  He is not suicidal or homicidal...he is just defiant.  He will probably be home tomorrow.  Hopefully, this will really be a wake up call to him...that life at home really isn't all that bad.  I don't know.  I don't know what he thinks or what makes him so unhappy.  I wish I could wave a magic wand and take away his disorders...I want my Draker Bunny back so bad but I know that child is gone.  And is midnight.  I have work that I had to do tonight and all I can think about is bed.

Oh yeah, Drake told the cop that brought him home that DH was manhandling him so now a report will be filed with SRS.  Though it's kind of scary because it is not a process that I have been through and really don't know what all that means, I'm not concerned.  Drake is not abused.  He is loved and taken care of.  He just kind of has his own reality.  Fun times, I tell ya.  I can't wait for the day when I can look back on all of this and laugh.

It's always darkest before the dawn

Sep 11, 2008
The situation with Drake has gone from bad to worse.  He came home today from the hospital only to run away within 15 minutes of being here.  He has just decided that he does not want to be at home.  He doesn't want the rules.  He wants to be in total control of himself and do what he wants to do.  So...yet another call to the police.  They took him to intake at the Family Resource Center.  A woman there asked him if he went home, would he stay?  He said no.  Now he is at the Juvenile Detention Center.  I have to go to a hearing tomorrow where a judge will decide on where Drake goes.  Either they will release him to me, or put him in State custody.  I SO do not want my baby in the foster care system.  It breaks my heart that this is the choice he is making.  I told him that I was scared for him.  I just want him home with people that know and love him and want him to STAY home.  They told me (at Family Resource Center) that if he is put into the system, it is because of HIS actions and only HIS actions will be able to bring him back home.  They told me I have done everything right as far as getting him help with special services available in our community for mental health care, having a behavioral contract and sticking with it.  It's just so hard.  I just keep thinking about what he's doing right jail.  Is he scared?  Is he crying?  Does he need me?  Does he really not care (which is what he says)?  He'll always be my baby and I'm just so scared for what his future holds.  He doesn't realize that he is making decisions know that will effect his future.  He doesn't get the concept of future.  Future to him is an hour or a day away...not the years to come. 

Update on Drake

Sep 12, 2008

After reviewing the situation, the DA's office decided not to file a Child In Need of Care case for Drake.  They said he needs an IEP (Individual Education Plan) which ironicially I talked to his school counselor about yesterday before he even got out of the hospital.  He doesn't need one for academics (he gets As on Bs...on what he turns in) but needs a behavioral IEP.  We will also need to seek services from Family Preservation.  Their goal is to keep kids out of the court system.

I'm kinda ticked at DH though.  I just got off the phone with him and told him the news.  I expected him to be happy I guess.  His attitude is more "why are they sending a kid home who doesn't want to be home."  He doesn't get it that this is all a process and each step of the process is more severe for Drake.  I am just hoping that Drake's attitude about how horrible it is to live at home has changed.  I guess I will know when I go pick him up today.
_______________ we go again (Drake)

Sep 15, 2008 

He took off again last night.  I really couldn't even tell you why.  His friend (ex-girlfriend) came by and asked if I knew Drake was gone.  He went to her house to get his bike (left from the last time he ran...or the time before that) and then followed her almost all the way to our house begging her not to tell.  (She lives less than a 5-minute walk from our house.)  Then her mom came over and told me he was at their house, she was on her way somewhere else and that Drake shouldn't be there because the cops said her daughter would be in trouble if they found him there again.  I asked her if she told him this before she left.  She said no.  I suggested that she do so.  Could I have gone to get him?  Sure, but he would have just run off again and quite frankly...I'm tired of it all.

So then, Drake calls me at 10:45 pm and says he's coming home.  Ten minutes later his friend calls and tells me he said he was locked out.  I told her he could knock or ring the doorbell like a normal person.  (We had the house locked so we would definitely KNOW if he came home.)  He came back.  I was sitting out front as he slowly rode his bike past the house and then turned around and came to me.  He had a story about how he didn't want to stay but his friend made him (which I informed him I knew was a crock because of both her and her mom coming by).  I told him to put his bike up and come inside.

He took off again.  I called his friend and told her I didn't want her to get in trouble so if Drake came to her house, not to let him in.  She called me back a few minutes later and said he was outside and wanted to know what she should do.  She's only a child herself, 13, and I understand how hard it is for her to be "uncool" and telling on her friend, let alone to have him on her doorstep when he KNOWS she is there and not letting him in.  I told her to go ahead and let him in and I would call the police and let them know that she was trying to keep him there so they could come get him.  I asked her if he said why he ran away.  She said he said he didn't really know.  He was just feeling angry and wanted to ride his bike.

This time, they took him to intake and straight to the Juvenile Detention Center.  I haven't heard from the DA yet, but I highly doubt they will not want to file a Child In Need Case at this point since his name just came across their desk on Friday.  When JDC called, Drake wanted to talk to me.  He did something he has yet to do during all of this runaway BS...he told me he was sorry.  I told him I was too.

I'm sorry that he doesn't want to be home with the people that love him.  I'm sorry that he thinks respecting his parents is such a big burden.  I'm sorry that he doesn't understand that life at home is a walk in the park compared to the rules he'll be getting in foster care made by people who really don't give a crap about him and definitely don't love him.  I'm sorry that he is ripping our family apart.  I'm sorry that I have to explain to his younger siblings that he isn't going to be here.  I'm sorry that he is choosing to start his adult life this way.  Yes, he has 4 years until he is an adult but if he can't handle the rules at home, he can't handle them at a foster home and will continue to run.

On a lighter note...boy does he have a deusy of a "mother's curse" coming on him!  I can't dwell on what the future holds as only time will tell.  I can just take one day at a time and hope for the best for my child and deal with things as they come.  

And...they are releasing him again

Sep 15, 2008

Our Family Preservation caseworker talked to the DA.  The DA said she wanted to give him one last chance but if he goes back to the detention center again, they will keep him.  So...yeah...give the boy just a little more rope to hang himself with.  I just have this sneaking suspicion I will be writing another post in a few days saying he's gone again.  Gee, I wonder why. 

Well, that didn't take long (Drake)

Sep 15, 2008

He's off again.  I picked him up from jail at 1:00 and he was gone by 3:20.  Looks as though (once they find him) he will be going back to juvenile detention for at least 30 days. 

My 14-yr-old son is missing

Sep 16, 2008 

I have been journaling for my friends only to be kept up-to-date on what is going on but I want to reach out now for support and the ability to support other moms going through this kind of thing.

My 14-yr-old son has mental health issues and has been followed extensively for the past many months.  He speaks with at least one person weekly about his life and his goals and how to get through on a daily basis.  He has been running away...five times now since August 30th.  He has spent 3 days in a mental hospital and 2 days (2 separate occasions) in the juvenile detention center.  He was told that if he runs off again, the DA will have him put into lock down for a longer period of time.  (I'm told 30 days).  He took off again last night...only home 2 hours from the detention center and since promising me he would never run away again.  Why does he run?  Because he has rules at home and chores to do.  Seriously...that's the extent of it.  Of course, he also has mental health issues that are under management so we are not dealing with a "normal" teenage boy.  He wants to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it.  When there is any opposition, he runs.

Right now, he has been gone 18 hours (the longest he has been missing) and I am at a loss as to what to do and where to start.  I am getting ready to take my daughter to preschool and will stop by the store to get some ink for the printer.  I am going to take pictures up to the rec center near our house so that they know to call the police if they see him.  I have already notified the school.  The police talked with everyone on the street that he usually runs to (several kids on that street his age).  I know he has to be in the area because he doesn't know anyone really outside of our neighborhood.  He has no money and no where to go.
He has now been without his medication since Sunday morning so even though his thinking has not quite been rational, it can only get worse now.

For those who wonder...we have a behavior contract.  We have plans of action.  We are being assured by all authorities (police, family resource center, psychology staff, social workers) that we are doing exactly what needs to be done...and it's not easy in the least. 

Are you freaking kidding me? Rant-Drake

Sep 17, 2008 

I talked with an officer at the jail who assured me that a Child In Need of Care (CINC) case would be filed today for Drake.  He then tells me that the judge will likely...get this...GIVE HIM A WARNING AND RELEASE HIM.  Hello?  He's run 5 times in 2 weeks and has only been at home (not in custody) 9 of those days!  He runs away because he wants to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it.  He told me last night that I should have let him get his bike and he wouldn't have run.  Excuse me?  Who is the adult?  I am so pissed off.  It took 26 hours to find him this time and he had been told that if he ran he would be locked up for a while.  He knew it and did it anyway so they are just going to tell him ONCE AGAIN...if you do this one more time....

I'm sorry, but that goes against my parenting completely.  When you give a child a consequence, you MUST follow through or they know you are full of crap. 

I expressed my disgust with a social worker from the jail and another officer there.  The social worker asked if Drake had a history of threatening to harm himself.  I told him no but that I don't feel his depression is under control and he himself has said he feels helpless.  He won't talk to me about it because "I wouldn't understand."  He doesn't care about failing school.  He doesn't care about going to jail.  He doesn't care...  And then the social worker told me he found several light slits across his wrist.  Drake said it was from falling on a rock and climbing a tree.  The social worker said the slits are just too consistent to be from either of those excuses.  Well...HELLO...he hasn't been on his bipolar meds since SUNDAY and every time they lock him up is another 24 hours without his meds.  He IS a danger to himself.
I heard that a certain judge is much harder on kids than another.  Guess what?  He's the judge we will be seeing today.  I wish my caseworker from Family Preservation wasn't on vacation today so she could go with me.  I'm going to see if our caseworker from Family Service and Guidance Center or my parent support lady will come with me.

This is like a bad dream.  Don't get me wrong, I would love for Drake to not be in trouble but this is a decision HE has made and he NEEDS to suffer the consequences.  I am so unbelievably frustrated at this point.

I know it is what HAS to be done, but it still hurts

Sep 17, 2008 

There was a temporary custody order hearing today for my 14-yr-old son Drake.  (Recap-He's a "flight risk" and has run away 4 times in the past 9 days.)

Because he will just run away again and is off of his medications, he is now in SRS custody.  There is a meeting tomorrow that I will get many questions answered at but my understanding right now is that Drake is the one who basically put himself in SRS custody by his actions so to get out of it, he is the one that is going to have to meet goals and will need to have services in place such as an IEP.  I expressed the need for mental health care and will do so again tomorrow. (He is on his 3rd day of no medications and these drugs aren't ones you fool around with and just quit taking.)

No one can brace you for the sight of your baby walking down a hall in a jail jumpsuit, shackles and handcuffs.  I am not sure who that boy was today.  It looked like the shell of my son, but it was not my son.  Emotionless while his momma clung to him bawling.  I'm so sad for him.

I think I will explain to our little ones that Drake is in a big time out and when he shows the judge he can be a good boy, he can come home again.  I only hope that day will come.  At this point, I just don't know.

Thanks for all the support mommas.  I am emotionally exhausted.  I think I'm just gonna go curl up in a corner and cry for a while.  Oh, wait, I still have 3 other children that need me.  No rest for the momma.

Feeling better

Sep 18, 2008

I met with the foster placement place today.  They asked if anyone in my family could/would take Drake.  My dad had offered to do I told them.  I talked to Dad after my meeting and he had already talked to them and told them he would take Drake.  Nothing is finalized so I am trying not to be too excited, but it sounds like he'll be with family soon.  YEAH!

Update on Drake

Sep 29, 2008

After much discussion, my dad is not taking Drake.  I had to explain to him that it is not the same Draker Bunny that used to come visit him in the summers, that this was an emotionally disturbed, mentally unstable Drake and that I didn't want him to take on more than he could handle nor would I think he was a horrible person or felt let down if he didn't think he could take on the job.

Drake's foster mom put in for a 14-day transfer (meaning he would be leaving her in 14 days).  The foster placement people told me it was because he was going through her things (he's snoopy).  She told me it was because he wasn't fitting in well with the kids she has (3 other foster kids and her own 3).  She made this decision BEFORE he got into a fight with one of the other foster kids...physical fight.

What they are trying to do now is qualify him for a hospital stay in a lock-down facility so that he can get his meds straightened out and be mentally stable.  DUH.  That should have been their FIRST effort anyway.  So IF he qualifies after they screen him and IF there is even a bed available, that is what he will do.  It could take 7 days to find this out...and 7 days is how much longer he has at his first foster home.

I asked his case manager if there was already a plan B in case he either doesn't qualify for the mental health facility or there isn't a bed ready.  He said yeah...but was not convincing.  This foster placement place (I don't really know what to call them) seems to have too much on their hands.  They don't return calls.  No one knows what the other people on the team are doing.  I am just not confident in their abilities to help Drake.  My dad and stepmom weren't impressed either.

They are supposed to allow us a minimum of 1 visit a week for 1 hour.  Drake's been in their custody since 09/17.  I have yet to see him.  The last time I saw my baby was in a jail jumpsuit, shackles and handcuffs.  They finally set up a few visits at times that not everyone will see him.  Tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. so that I can take him to his psychiatrist appt after our visitation.  Next Monday which will consist of his psychologist appt and our family meeting at the foster placement really, that is NO visitation because we won't be able to do anything or talk about anything fun.  And then again the week after that so that I can take him to another psychiatrist appt.  Since he is a run risk, we have to do visits AT the foster placement place.  Oh joy...sitting in a room with my 14 yr old who blames me for everything wrong in his life with nothing to do.  Maybe I will take some dice or cards so we can at least PLAY.

I think I am emotionally removing myself from the situation.  I am not sad anymore.  I am not mad anymore.  I am not disappointed anymore.  I'm just here.  It is out of my hands and I did nothing to bring all this crap on...other than expect my child to respect me.  I have NO expectations of Drake anymore.  He hasn't been to school in 3 weeks.  He hates school as it is (though gets good grades on what he DOES turn in).  Now I wonder if he will even graduate. 

Help is on its Drake

Oct 3, 2008 

Drake was screened for a PRTF (psychiatric residential treatment facility) bed on Thursday and they notified me today that he did screen in for it (meaning he needs it) AND they have a bed available for him about an hour from our house (instead of almost three hours away).  He is being transported there tomorrow.  He will have to follow THEIR guidelines and show adequate progress and meet THEIR goals for him prior to being dismissed.

I talked with him a little bit today.  I told him I wasn't quite sure when we would talk again or when I would be able to see him but reassured him that as soon as I'm allowed, I will do so.  He seemed just fine with it all.  He knows he needs help.  He wants to feel better about himself.  He wants help with his anger.

I feel a sense of relief...he IS getting what he needs in a secure (lock down) environment by professionals...not just some other adults who don't know what makes him tick or how to figure it out or how to teach him to cope. 

Monday is our family meeting where we all sit down (family, SRS, foster placement folks) and set up a six month plan of how to reintegrate Drake into the home.  The thing is, in our situation, it is all up to Drake.  He is going to have to do the work to get back home.  I hope when he leaves the PRFT, he is armed with skills that he needs to do so.  I want my boy back home with his family.

Not being allowed to be a mommy...

Nov 2, 2008


I got a call from Drake's residential facility tonight around 9:00 p.m. telling me he was going to the ER.  He had been playing football in the gym (WTF?  football+hardwood floor=dumb staff member's decision) when he and another boy got tangled up and fell together.  I asked if he was okay.  He said yeah, you can talk to him now.

So Drake described what happened to me.  Basically, when they fell, Drake's arm was on the floor, palm up, and the other child landed with his shoulder on the outer portion of Drake's wrist.  He said he could move it but it hurt pretty bad.  I said "Well, at least it didn't hurt enough to make you cry." and my 14-year-old boy said "well, not anymore."  He did cry.  It hurt bad. 
Now my baby has gone to the emergency room for the first time without his momma by his side to hold him and make him feel safe.  He's super freaked out about any kind of needles and, well, anything that might hurt. 

It's very hard to deal with mommy instincts when you can't act on them.  I can't even talk to him until tomorrow to find out what's going on. 

I wonder if this is similar to what it feels like when your children grow up and move out on their own?  You know, just because they are no longer in your home or minors won't make those instincts we have been acting on for so many years just suddenly disappear.

Update on Drake

Dec 16, 2008

Drake has been coming home for overnight visits since the week before Thanksgiving.  He will be home again from the 19th through the 27th.  The visits have not been the greatest; there is always some turmoil of some kind...BUT, he hasn't run away.  His case manager called me today and said that it looks as though Drake will be coming home January 2 when he is relased from the facility.  They are going to keep him in their custody for a 30-day trial before releasing him back to us permanently.  I am going to have many things to get in order again...his mental health care, getting him back in school and trying to make the house run smoothly.  I am glad he will be home but part of me is scared.

Are you effing kidding me?!?!

Jan 21, 2009He's gone. 

He's not even been home 3 weeks and he's gone.  Why?  Because he has anger issues.  It's really stupid actually.  He was playing a video game w/his little brother Joseph.  Apparently Joseph was winning so Drake quit playing (he's a VERY sore loser).  Joseph is only 7.  He was bawling.  Drake's yelling about how he's sick of Joseph's whining.  I told him I was sick of him.  He treats everyone in the family like shit....except Maddalyn.  He went to his room.  I gave him a few minutes and poked my head in and told him I wasn't sick of him but that we needed to talk when he calmed down.  He yelled at me.  I left him alone for a while and then went in to give him his meds.  He was playing that he was asleep.  I told him if he didn't sit up and take his meds, I was gonna pour water on his head.  You see where this is going?  I poured the water.  He jumped up and threw his blankets in my face.  That was the first time I've ever actually been afraid of him.  I asked him what the problem was, why he was so mean to everyone.  He wouldn't answer.  I told him he wouldn't be going to his friend's house for a while, that he was grounded.  He said he didn't give a shit and still refused to take his meds.  I left him alone for a little while longer and then went to tell him Ghost Hunter was on TV....he was standing at his window fully clothed w/his coat on.  I told him Dad screwed his windows shut.  He said so, he could still punch it out.  I told him he wouldn't.  He punched the wall.  He hit it hard and bloodied his knuckles.  I told him to go ahead and break it (his hand) so he put his HEAD through the wall.  I went to call 911 or crisis or someone and he bolted out the door.  I went out and told him to get back in the house and that he was violating his no run order.  He said he didn't give a shit and took off. we are again.  The cops just came and took my report.  I'm waiting for his case manager to call me back.  I can't find his no run order, but the judge who issued it is a real hard ass.  He told Drake if he was not at school when he was supposed to be, left home without permission or left me without permission, he was in violation and would be placed in a lock down facility...I'm pretty sure he said 90 days minimum and that he could extend it another 90-180 days.  I just don't get it.  I mean, I was a 14 yr old...granted not a boy...but seriously...this is beyond stupid.

They've got Drake **update**

Jan 21, 2009 

Drake's friend called me and said Drake was at her house.  She put him on the phone and he said he'd be home in 10 minutes.  I called the cops back and let them know.  They went to get him at the friend's house and he ran from them so when they came to pick him up from the house (which they HAVE to do because he is under the no run order) the officer told him that he was now also facing an obstruction of justice charge because of running away from the cop.  They have now taken him to intake where they will do an evaluation and decide where he the JDC (juvenile detention center), back home or somewhere else since he is technically still in state custody. 

He was bawling, apologizing, scared and bloody.  He says he just got so mad that he didn't know what he was doing.  BTW...he's a manipulator.  I made it clear 10000% that he was violating his no run order and that he WOULD be put into a lockdown facility. 

I hate that it has come to this once again.  I can feel sorry for him because he does have mental illness but the reality is, when he is an adult out in the real world, having mental illness is not an excuse for bad behavior.  He IS under med management.  We go to therapy every week.  There is not one thing in our community toward mental health that we are not a part of.  It sucks to know that doing everything you possibly can just isn't good enough.

UPDATE:  Just got a call from the juvenile detention center.  They are keeping him.  We have court tomorrow at 1:00.  I'm sure Judge Mitchell will be locking him up.  Judge Mitchell is NOT a mellow fellow.  I guess this is what he needs.  I hope he gets it all out of his system before he's an adult.

And the verdict is...

Jan 22, 2009

 Drake is in the juvenile detention center for at least the next 60 days.  At that time, the judge will review the case and decide whether to release him from JDC or keep him.  His case manager won't commit to releasing Drake back home again after he gets out of JDC so the future is still yet to be known.

Drake...not coming home soon.

Mar 4, 2009

We have court on May 23 at which time the judge will decide whether Drake stays in JDC for a while longer (which I doubt because he hasn't gotten in big trouble) or is released. 

Drake's case manager just called me and told me they won't be sending him home when he is released.  They are going to try to get him into some type of youth group home type setting for at least a few months before sending him home to make sure that he can maintain. 

I understand...but I want my baby home.____________

Drake's case mgr told me that if/when the judge releases him from JDC, he was going to send him to a group home.  Well, there's been a change of plans.  Case mgr called today and said there are no group home settings available so he will be going to a foster home in Concordia.  I guess that's about 2 1/2 hrs from here. 

I know there are good foster parents and there are not so good foster parents.  Realistically, I don't see how a foster parent would really care as much about their foster children getting better as I do my own son.  Mentally, Drake is NOT ready to come home.  He still can't own up to the fact that there is something not clicking quite right in his head and that he NEEDS help. In fact, he has refused therapy while in JDC.  JDC won't allow him to take his ADHD meds and since his mood stabilizers make him so sleepy, they've decreased the dose which I only found out about when Drake told me.  Why don't these people contact the parents?  And WHY is his ability to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed more important than him being stable?  The system is so fucked up.  I'm afraid he won't ever really get what he needs because everyone else has their own agendas for him. 

I hope he comes home some day.  I'm honestly fearful that he won't.  He's stubborn and will do the opposite of what is asked of him just because it is the opposite...not because it is what he really wants.  I wish I could control his actions but I can't.  Hopefully he WILL learn out of all of this.  ____________

Drake's court hearing

Mar 23, 2009 

Today we went before the judge to see if A) Drake would be released from the detention center and B) where the judge would place him. 

The state and Drake's case manager asked that he be released to foster care.  Drake's guardian ad liteum asked that he be released to home.  Our attorney said that though we wanted Drake home, we did not feel he was ready and needed to prove himself.

Drake will be going to a foster home about 2 1/2 hours from here.  Due to JJ's lack of communication with Drake, the judge ordered family therapy as well.  I've been doing therapy with Drake forever.  JJ thinks mental illness is a joke and HATES therapist situations.  This is going to be lovely.  I wonder if they can do the family therapy without ME.

So, how long will he be there?  Untold.  It depends on Drake.  He has to show that he can maintain, can follow the rules, can be angry without running away.  He has threatened to run away if he goes to a foster home.  I hope he doesn't do that.  Even though he has known for a few weeks now that he would be going into foster care when released, he still cried today. 

Maddalyn was so stinkin' cute.  I told her to give Drake a kiss and she reached her little arms out and wrapped herself around his neck.  He was shackled so he couldn't hold me...but I snuggled him up and kissed him while he cried on my shoulder.

I sure hope he can pull his head out of his ass and realize that A) the world does NOT revolve around him and B) he HAS to take responsibility for his actions.  In his mind, I am the reason he runs away.  It's my fault. 

I know better, you know better...and one day he WILL own it.  Until that happens, I don't see any real healing for him. 

One more example of how the foster care system is SCREWED UP.

Jun 2, 2009 

So Drake...the chronic runner...was sent to jail for violating a no-run order issued by the judge.  When he was released to jail, he was sent to a foster home.  When children go to a foster home, they have a "packet" of their information sent with them (their immunizations, insurance cards, social security number, etc.).  When Drake was sent to his foster home, they only sent his mug shot from jail.  NOTHING else.  I'm not quite sure how his foster mom got him enrolled in school but she did.  After I told our family worker that she had none of Drake's info, they sent it to her but guess what they didn't send?  Perhaps the most important thing.  A copy of his no-run order.  I called our family worker today to make SURE that the no-run order was with Drake's information.  I was told that she wasn't sure but it didn't matter because he was in the NCIC system as needing to be picked up by any law enforcement officials. 

Drake's foster mom just called me from the sheriff's office.  (Poor woman, drug out after midnight while she has at least 5 other children to take care of tomorrow.)  Guess what?  Not only does she not have the no-run order, but no one from his foster care placement company bothered to fax the information to the local law enforcement (which his foster mom was sure they would do).

So what happens now?  The chronic runner is being released back to his foster home.  I know someone will come get him to bring him back to Topeka for violating the no-run order...but who knows if he will even stick around long enough to get picked up.  I am so freakin' pissed off.  Why can't these people get their shit straight?

GD juvenile detention center and meds

Aug 2, 2009 

Drake takes two meds, one for ADHD, one for mood disorder.  When he gets locked up, they stop his ADHD meds because they are a stimulant.  Last time he was locked up, they also decided to lower his mood stabilizers because he seemed tired.  Well duh.  He's used to taking those meds TOGETHER so the stimulant also counteracts the tiredness the other causes.  The dose they had him on was subtherapeutic.  I know this because he was in MY custody when it was titrated up to a higher dose.

SO...I asked him this morning for sure if he was still taking the dose he used to of his mood stabilizers.  He said he hadn't been given them for three ***.  I couldn't totally hear so I asked "days?"  He said yeah.  So I called the jail.  The nurse just called me back and said that according to Drake's chart, he has not been on his mood stabilizer since JULY 9TH!  The nurse explained that Drake was "cheeking" his meds (you know...holding them in his cheek and spitting them out) and that the psychiatrist at the jail said to stop giving them.  You don't just STOP giving mood stabilizers.  Yes, I know Drake was apparently refusing them.  But come the eff on.  This is a freaking JAIL.  If I can make him take his meds, why can't they?

Not only did they just cold turkey stop his meds, but NO ONE was notified.  Not me, not his case manager.  No one.  The nurse at the jail had no excuses for me.  As always, they pass the buck.  He told me it wasn't a good idea for Drake to cheek his meds (no shit).  I told him it was also not a good idea to completely pull him off of them cold turkey and asked why no one was notified.  Of course, he said the nurse that was there during the week should have been the one to call. 

More than likely Drake is being released a horribly fragile state.  He's upset because of being locked up on his sister's birthday (yesterday) and his own birthday today.  He suffers from depression among other things.  Since KVC (his foster placement company) folded or whatever and he became the responsibility of TFI (another foster company), the therapy he WAS recieving at the jail was stopped July 1st.  No meds....I HATE not having control of my child's life.  No one else loves him like I do and at this point, I don't think anyone else really gives a shit whether he does well or not.  ___________

Vaccination Irritation

Sep 16, 2009 

Drake is in a foster home.  I discussed with his foster parent that I choose for my children not to get the flu vaccine.  He seemed fine with that but said he wasn't sure "what the school was requiring." 
Today the foster dad calls me and said the school nurse wants to discuss Drake's immunizations.  So I get out his immunization record (which the foster folks have a copy of) and go over it with her.  She couldn't read the copy she had so we got that all squared away.  Then she asked about chicken pox vaccine.  I told her Drake already had the chicken pox.  She asked if I had proof?  WHAT?  She claims that the schools are requiring record of them having chicken pox or they are going to be required to vaccinate them.  Excuse me?  He had chicken pox THIRTEEN years ago.  I would likely guarantee I didn't take him to the doctor.  Whatever, I'll talk to his ped and see if they have record (since apparently a doctor's word is better than a mother's).

AND THEN, the nurse tells me that the foster dad wants Drake to have a flu shot.  But I don't want him to have it.  I expressed that to the nurse.  I can pretty much guarantee that he will end up getting the shot.  When your child is in foster care, you have no control over ANYTHING.  I guess I wouldn't be so irritated by it all if it were MY actions that placed him in foster care in the first place. 

AND Drake is petrified of needles...let alone needles for some crap he doesn't need.

So, where is Drake now?  Dec 22, 2011

Drake was placed with his biological father as a foster child shortly after the above post.  It's kind of a messy, strange situation but Drake's bio dad's rights were severed for abandonment when Drake was 7.  He (bio dad-Aaron) and his girlfriend (Melinda) became foster parents.  I felt that maybe part of Drake's issues were related to not knowing his dad and thought maybe this would be the missing puzzle piece that would make everything better for him.  He is still in their care.  He still has his ups and downs but he hasn't run away and he is doing pretty good in school.  He's a wrestler and enjoys running track.  He lives in my home town (where my mom lives) and I visit him as I can.  He can't really come back to Topeka.  For some reason, it just triggers him and all of his unsavory behaviors.  At this point, I haven't seen him for over six months.  I hate it.  Unreliable automobiles and a load of children do not go well together on road trips.  I'm planning on going down in the next month though.  I can't wait to see him.  We email frequently and talk on the phone some (he's not really one to talk on the phone).  I miss him terribly.  I still feel robbed.  Though I have a 17 year old, I don't know what it's like to raise anyone beyond the age of 14. 

Old Ramblings (2008)

After being a member of Cafemom for, oh, five years and being inactive for at least the last year, I've decided to leave the site.  No big deal but I do have lots of journal entries that I want to be able to look back on.  Some aren't so pleasant but we can't forget the past that has brought us to our present.  I've decided just to C&P them here. 

Cover that bottle!  Sept 22, 2007
This was something I saw on another one of my groups and I thought the point was so well made that I would share it. But before you read it understand this is not in any way to stir up conflict. It should not be taken "literally". It's only to make a point in comparisson to how people view the breast vs. the bottle. It is not at all bashing a mother who chooses to bottle/formula feed, but rather the person that says women should not bf in public, or that breasts are a sexual object (an exaggeration to the matter if you will). So you need to understand that before moving on, at the risk of taking anything the wrong way.

Quoted from here on:

Women should cover up their bottles when they are feeding their babies...
I wasn't exposed to bottle-feeding much growing up and seeing it makes me very uncomfortable. I mean if you think about it, a bottle is a substitute for the breast, and since breasts are sexual, doesn't that make a bottle kind of like a dildo?! Eww, gross.

When I see a mom bottle-feeding, I don't know where to look. I can't look directly at the bottle or the baby because the idea of feeding a baby formula makes me sick to my stomach. It's just gross. And the way babies sound when they eat??? They slurp and suck and dribble formula everywhere! It's just nasty and it *smells*! I shouldn't have to see that! And what about my young son? How am I supposed to explain to him why a woman is bottle-feeding? I mean, he's too young to understand how different parts of the body function. It's going to be hard to explain to him that women actually choose not to nurse, or can't for one reason or another. It'll probably upset him to know that lots of babies don't get "nurse-nurse" like he does. I don't want to have to deal with him being emotionally scarred by seeing bottles. And imagine the therapy bills I'll have to pay for when he's older!

So bottle-feeding moms should either go into a bathroom, re-lactate so they can use their breasts in public, or cover up with a blanket. Sure, I know the excuses....bathrooms are dirty and no one should have to eat in there. But women could still re-lactate. Oh, yeah I know how hard it would be, but ya know, we DO have nice pumps available nowadays. She could get a good supply going for the sole purpose of feeding in public. If she would just use her breasts, we wouldn't have to see those indecent bottles all the time. And if she has a hard time re-lactating, she could always just cover up with a blanket when she has to use a bottle. Oh I know some babies aren't comfortable under a blanket. Re-breathing their own carbon dioxide for 20+ minutes must come at a price, but who cares? At least I wouldn't have to see bottles.

And if a woman doesn't want to go through all that trouble, she could just schedule outings around the baby's feedings. A bottle-fed baby only has to eat, what? Every 3-4 hours? She can just bottle-feed at home, go out, and rush back with a screaming baby if he needs to eat sooner than the schedule allows.

I'll admit that I'm uncomfortable with bottle-feeding in public. And as an American, I have a right to not have to be exposed to that sort of thing. Women should be aware of everyone else and accomodating to all others. After all, our right not to be offended is more important than a baby's right to eat, right?

response to a critical reply:
"I turned it around so people could see how ridiculus is is for ANY woman to hide to feed her child. It sounds a bit ridiculous when I say women should cover up their bottles, huh? I hope it makes you think."

Ok, so forgive me for assuming people would see the sarcasm in the post below. I don't *actually* think women should cover up their bottles. I used all the arguments against nursing in public and turned them around to bottle-feeders in an attempt to show people just how idiotic it is to ask women to hide while feeding their baby.

The point is, breasts are not lewd or indecent. If you see a little nipple, get over it. Breasts are for feeding babies, first and foremost. The day you hide your bottles is the day I hide my breasts.

I realize the dildo reference may make some people's jaws drop in disbelief, but that was possibly the most important part of the post. It seems the main reason people freak out about nursing in public is because breasts are also sexual, therefore should be covered all the times. Well, a nipple on a bottle was designed to replace the original thing, just like a dildo is meant to replace a penis. Sorry, but it's true. If it sounds outlandish to you, then maybe you should reconsider just how sexual the breast is. It's not sexual to feed a child at the breast any more than it is to feed a child with a bottle.

IF (and that's a big "if") nursing WERE sexual, then I would assume people would have the same reaction to a bottle as they would to a dildo. But they don't. It's something to think about anyways.

It took 40 weeks and 3 days for me to be able to say...January 11, 2008
IT'S A GIRL!!!!!
 Maddalyn Elizabeth was born at 11:31 p.m. 01/09/08 (her aunt's16th bday) weighing in at 7 lb 6 oz, 19 3/4".

 Mild contrax started around 10:30 a.m.  Mom, Christan and I went to eat some yummy Olive Garden and then to the mall for a walk.  Christan wanted to know where we were going.  Mom told her "Nowhere.  We are exercising Mommy."  After a few laps of the mall, Christan was done walking so I went home.  Contrax were still coming every 5 minutes but not really bothering me.  I drank lots of water and after Joseph got home from school, decided I better try to rest "just in case."  I dozed for about an hour.  Contrax were still around 4-5 minutes apart until I got up.  Then they were staying at 2 1/2 minutes apart but still not lasting long. 

I got the dishes done while waiting for my DH to get back from bidding on a job, made a quickie supper for Joseph and kept track of the contrax which were starting to get stronger.  Mom and Christan came over to the house and when DH was home, I told him it was "time."  His "job" was to figure out what to do with the kids.  I really felt most comfortable about them just staying home with him.  That way I didn't have to worry about them at all or the disruption in their lives.  DH decided it would be okay to stay with the kids and come to the hospital after the baby was born.  He understands that birthing with my best friends is a very comforting and special experience for me and that the best thing he could do for our family is take care of the little called all my girlfriends and told them we were heading into the hospital. 

When I got there, I met my first opposition...the nurse.  She told me where my gown was and to put this tube top like thingy on for the monitors.  I told her I wouldn't be having CFM.  She told me that that is what they do.  I informed her again that I am not having CFM and my midwife is well aware.  She gave me that quick, tight-lipped "okay", turned and off she went.  I told mom "Great.  I'm going to have to fight for anything."  However, I was WRONG!  A different nurse came in to care for me during labor.  She was VERY respectful of my birth plan and never once TOLD me what they were going to do.  She asked "do you mind if"  "is it okay if we" and was wonderful.  I let them do their baseline checks.  Cervix a tight 3. 

After an hour in the hot tub, a tight 4 but enough change for them to keep me.  Mind you ladies, this reading of 4 cm was at about 9:45 p.m.  The contrax were coming much stronger.  Not really longer, but closer.  They never really were on top of each other as I had experienced before.  I was laboring sitting up in the bed.  I like my momma to rub my belly and my girlfriend Melody rubs my legs while I breathe through contrax.  Rebecca (my midwife) said "Jen, you have to get off of that baby's head."  I was having very intense contrax and could not really think.  I thought she was telling me to lay down LOL.  She told me to just roll over to my side which I did but the intensity was so strong and I was so tense.  My eyes were shut (as I always tend to do) and I could only hear some of what was going on around me.  Mostly, I heard my mom telling me what a good job I was doing and to stay on top of it.  I heard Rebecca tell me to relax my body and let my baby come out.  As soon as I was able to make my legs and back relax instead of being arched...I felt it.  I tucked my tailbone under and could feel the baby beginning to crown.  With the next contrax, I threw one leg up (my girlfriend caught it for me) and told them all "she's coming."  Her head was out with one push.  Rebecca unwrapped her cord from her neck and her body just shot out.  Rebecca told me she actually did a little somersault onto the bed.  There were a few seconds of silence before my momma said "we got another GIRL!"  Maddalyn yelled for a good 30 minutes.  I had her tucked up in the football hold covered by my boob (yes ladies...remember, they ARE big boobs) trying to talk her into a snack and some comfort.  She wasn't having it.  She just wanted to hollar a while.  I told her to go ahead and clear out those lungs as I chanted "momma was right, momma was right" over and over.  I KNEW I was having a girl!  She's absolutely perfect in every way and nursing like a champ.  Shoot, my milk is already in! 


Maddalyn's hospital visit January 29, 2008

I don't know how many times I said that if I'd have known how easy pregnancy was in the winter, I'd have had all of my children in the winter...but now I've changed my mind.  Colds are not nice to newborns.  Christan (my 3 year old) had a cold when Maddalyn was not quite a week old...and passed it on (even with handwashing and germ-x).  Maddalyn's symptoms started with a stuffy nose and cough.  Her cough was getting worse, making her gag and even throw up.  We went to her doctor Monday and her O2 sats were low enough that he wanted to admit her for observation.  His main concern was how her sats were in the night when she was sleeping deep.  She was hooked up to an O2 sat monitor, heart monitor and respiration tracker.  They took a swab to test for influenza and a snot sample to test for RSV and a chest Xray.  Her tests all came back negative but her O2 sats kept dropping into the low 80s during the night and the put her on oxygen.  This morning I took off the oxygen to nurse her and they left it off.  The doctor wanted to make sure her sats were okay off of oxygen for a while before releasing us home...just to be on the safe side.  Her sats stayed up for the most part and we just got home.  Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  I was pleasantly surprised about our accommodations in the hospital.  We had our own room, they fed me, we coslept with no questions asked.  Now I need to go make her mad and suck out her snot so she can breathe. 

Roller Girl Dies; Mother is Reborn February 28, 2008

A little background...Late summer 2006, I realized that there were some things in my life that needed to change.  Though I love being a mother, I needed something to call my own.  Something that I did just for me.  For so many years I had put myself on the back burner while tending to the needs of my children, husband, house and job.  An opportunity presented itself...a new roller derby league.  It sounded very interesting...a great opportunity for exercise, meeting other women, getting out some aggression in a healthy way and doing something different with my life....all for me.

 I asked my husband if he would come watch me if I were a rollergirl.  He kind of laughed and said I joined and my alter ego "Sassy Crass" was born.  That is when the battle began.  He didn't think I was serious.  He did NOT want me to be a rollergirl.  I wouldn't budge.  I was finally putting my foot down and doing something I wanted to do for ME...not for anyone else.  We had plenty of fights about my continuing to derby.

 It had been 20 years since I had skated and I really wasn't very steady.  With lots of practice...and falls...I got more confident on my wheels.  I was never fast enough or surefooted enough to be a jammer, but loved being a blocker...hitting the other girls...trying to knock them down.  I got to be in one official bout (intraleague) before I found out I was pregnant.  I knew I would return to derby and missed skating every day.  I stayed active in the league by serving on the Board of Directors as secretary.

 Toward the end of my pregnancy, I started to worry about not being able to skate again.  Physically?  Oh, physically, I would have no problems.  Granted, I would have to get my cardio back in shape after being inactive for so long...but once a blocker, always a blocker!   I started to wonder if I could really leave my little baby.  I have breastfed all of my children and never pumped.  I work from home so don't have the need or, honestly, the desire to pump.  My husband has never really been very active in the care of our little ones until they are quite a bit older which is partially my fault for wanting to do everything.  He also does not have the most patience in the world.  Okay...he has very little.  I feared that the stress of taking care of a new baby PLUS the other kiddos would do him in and honestly, I worried about the children.  (Not that he would purposely hurt them by any know....)

 I went to practice a few weeks ago to support my girls and keep up with the goings on and several people asked when I would be coming back.  No one was pressuring me, but it really made me think.  Though I miss it...VERY much...I couldn't commit to "when."  I started thinking about it more and more...and more...and finally talked to my husband about it.  I am in a different place, mentally, now than I was when I joined derby.  When I joined, my youngest was 2 and not dependent on Mommy at all.  I guess my priorities have changed.  Doing something ONLY for ME is not a priority.

 Last night at our business meeting, I told the girls.  I told them that I could not commit the time to roller derby that was needed.  That for the first six months of Maddalyn's life, I would be her ONLY source of food and that while I would be happy to continue with my responsibilities as secretary, I could not commit to returning to skate at any time in the near future.  We are a very new league and our bylaws were just completed a few months ago.  Little did I know, there were revisions made that needed voting of which requiring officers on the Board of Directors to be ACTIVE, paying members.  Seems as though my days as a rollergirl are gone.  I will forever love the sport and the women in my league.

 Honestly, I was kind of surprised with the ease of which I let go of my roller derby dream.  I do know that I am always welcome to rejoin but I fought SO hard with my least weekly if not daily...over "the damned rollergirls."

 Today I got a note from my husband (he leaves for work hours before the household is awake).  It says "You are a good mom and seem to continue to progess as a mom (all the learning and communicating with other moms, I guess? [yes cafemoms]) and it makes my heart get mushy when I see it."

 I may have been a mom for 13 years now but there is something about having a new baby that changes me...every time.   I guess I just feel that doing right by my children, being a loving, giving mother, putting their needs before mine...IS "doing something for me" by taking the best care of the ones that I love and created. 

What next?  March 22, 2008

It's been about a month since I got away from the house and the older kids (I still consider Maddalyn and I to be one person).  The kids have been on spring break since March 13th.  DH worked all last weekend on a side job and then worked his normal job this week plus finishing up on the side job through Wednesday which means that when he was home, he was sleeping.  We are trying to switch to cloth and I had a great stash given to me, but I only have 1 cover and nothing to help with at night so I picked up some fleece and wool from the thrift store to make some covers.  I told DH I would need his help this weekend with the kids so that I could get them made.  Well, he had to run to KC and said he would be gone about three hours.  So this is my attempt at sewing....

Yes, I am wearing Maddalyn.   I was trying to fix the bobbin (thead kept getting hung up) and I popped the
plate off that goes under the foot.  In trying to fix that, I completely broke it.  So...I went to the trusty PC to see
if I could find a replacement part.  I went back to the sewing machine and noticed long locks of blonde hair
all around....I found Christan....

I am usually so good about putting up scissors as this is the SAME haircut she got last summer from her
brother.  My DH is going to FLIP out when he gets home.  Meanwhile, I'm so frazzled, I don't even care
anymore.  So now, my daughter has a skullet type hair style AGAIN, my sewing machine is broken and I
STILL don't have anything to put on Maddalyn at night.  


Jen's DIY fleece wrap March 26, 2008

I decided to try my hand at sewing a fleece wrap after failing with the fleece pull-on patterns I found online.  Here's what you need....fleece, polyester thread, velcro, 1/4" elastic, ballpoint needle 90/14.  I recommend trying it first with some "throw away" fabric so that you can make any changes without ruining your fleece.  I used flannel for my first attempt...and DID change my pattern a little.  A wonderful thing about fleece is that no hemming is required!
Make your pattern.  Take a wrap that fits your baby well, fold it in half and stretch the elastic so that  the wrap lays flat.  Then trace it onto cardboard.  (Gift boxes work GREAT!)  
Feel the edges of your wrap for where the elastic begins and ends.  Mark that on the cardboard so that you can use it for reference later.  
(The triangle is the elastic reference point.)
For the built-in soaker, I used Katrina's "Extra layer for the wetzone" pattern but in the future, I think I will use a rectangle shape for ease of sewing.  Place the straight edge of your wrap pattern along a folded edge of your fabric.  Cut out your wrap and soaker.  
Pin soaker to wrap.  Sew in using zig-zag stitch.  
 Cut your elastic.  The amount you need will depend on the size of your child.  I used half the length between my reference points.  For example, between the elastic reference points in the back is 8" so I used 4" of elastic.  Secure elastic at the ends about 1/2" below the edge of your fabric centered under your reference points by sewing across the width of the elastic with a zig-zag stitch.  Be sure your elastic is flat before securing the second end so that you don't have to deal with twisted elastic.

(Wrap with all elastic secured)

 Hold your elastic tight and sew down the length.  My machine has a setting for elastic, but zigzag would work.  I actually pull it tight by holding both ends of the elastic but I can't do that and take the picture at the same time (LOL)

Cut two strips of BOTH sides of velcro (loop and hook) about 1 1/2" long.  Pull apart the hook and loop 1 1/2" sections and place them side by side (voila!  laundry tab).  Place about 1/2 to 1" below the edge of your fabric on the inside of the wrap (on the wings) and sew in place.  
 Also cut a strip of just the loop (fuzzy part) of velcro to go across the front of your wrap about 2" shorter than the width of the front of your wrap (so you can leave about 1" of fabric on either side of the velcro).  Also place about 1/2 to 1" from the top of the outside front of your wrap and sew in place.

Cut off your reference tabs and use any scrap material to lay inside your dipes for a "keep dry" effect.


So...I didn't really like how the fleece soakers I made were fitting around the waist.  I decided to try to do the velcro more like the BSWW that I had made the pattern from.'s what you do!

After you have cut out your fabric, lay the cover that you made your pattern from on top of the
cut out and mark above and below the velcro tabs.

See the marks?

You can't really tell, but this is the hook and the loop pieces of velcro side by side (so it still makes
laundry tabs). 
About 2/3 of the fastening part is hanging off the edge of the fabric.  After you sew it in place,
use scissors to round the edges of the velcro.

Now it looks like this!

And fits much better!

As for the elastic...I've found the wrap fits better if I sew the elastic as close to the edge of the
fabric as possible on the back and sides.

Homespun Fluff April 22, 2008

Okay, so I didn't actually spin the yarn...but yesterday (yep, in one day), I crochetted a wool soaker for Maddalyn.  It was my first attempt so I got some plain wool yarn.  I haven't lanolized it yet so I haven't used it and can't discuss it's awesomeness in that department yet.  I'm going to try out a few more patterns and then lanolize them all. it is!  Try not to let the gorgeous model distract you LOL.


Maddalyn has been watching us all eat VERY intently, making little sucking noises as we put food in our mouths, grabbing at everything when we try to eat, has the pincer grasp down pretty well and can sit very well with a little assistance.  I am making my own baby food and knew we had some ripe bananas just asking to be mushed in the kitchen so I gave in...4 days shy of being 6 months old.  I didn't even have a baby spoon LOL.  So I just used my finger (CLEAN, WASHED FINGER).  She went from hmmm...what's this?

To opening wide:
To gagging:

And back to opening wide and enjoying it:

Before we handed the bowl over to her eager sister:
 Who just HAD to have her picture taken eating mashed banana with her finger LOL.:

 That was four days ago and she hasn't had any since.  I guess I'm just really not in a rush.  I know solids in the first year are more for learning textures and tastes and NOT necessary for nutrition.  My milk has all she needs.  Though I am thinking frozen banana in one of those mesh bags would be a good teether...


I've heard the story since I was small.  About how my great-grandfather left one day to go out of town to work and never returned.  He had a heart attack and died.  Dad always told me the men in his family (his mom's side) just didn't live past their 50s.  A few years ago, he had a heart workup.  They found a vein in his heart that wasn't where it was supposed to be.  Basically, when his heart pumps, it squeezes this vein.  It's a congenital defect and likely the reason my great-grandfather (and those before him) suddenly died of a heart attack.

My stepmom just called me.  My dad had a heart attack last night.  He's alive.  His EKG looks good.  He's hooked up to a kajillion cords but he's alive.

Dad just surprised me with a visit last week.  He was looking into retirement from the prison.  He told me he just couldn't take it anymore.  He works and works and then works some more.  He has been working for the prison for many years and for the State for 30.  He also works at Sears doing auto repair on his 3 days that he has off from the prison.  I could see it in his eyes.  The toll it has been taking on him.  Not so much physically, but stress-related.
All I want to do is run to him and curl up in his arms like a little girl.  The GD A/C broke in my van this week and the heat index is well into triple digits today.  He is in Wichita (about 2 hrs away) and I can't figure out how to run to him. 

DH is at work today.  He just called me back and told me he would be home in 1 1/2 horus (how far away he works).  I hope he can figure out what's wrong with the A/C.  I know no shop is open today.  I really just wanna see my Daddy. 


DH got home and we headed out to Wichita.  I decided A/C or no A/C, nothing was going to keep me from my daddy.  About an hour and 15 minutes into our trip, the radio died.  Not just that we didn't have radio reception, but the whole thing went out...clock and all.  A few minutes later, the cruise control started surging.  Then the gauges completely went off and came back on.  It was like the van was shutting down.  We had already past the 1st exit to El Dorado and I told DH to take the next one.  My dad lives in El Dorado as does my grandfather and I knew we would have access to tools somehow.  So, we pulled off the turnpike and while waiting at a light...the van started sputtering and putting.  We snail crawled across a highway and coasted into the parking lot of a hotel.  I have a cell phone that I rarely use and never put any phone numbers in.  The only one I could think of was my dad's cell phone.  My stepmom said she had it so I called it...and no answer.  Somehow I pulled my dad's exwife's number out of my butt and she gave me my grandma's number.  So...grandpa to the rescue!  He came and took DH to get parts/tools while I took the kids in the hotel to stay cool.  An hour (or so) later we were back on the road WITH A/C!!  Yeah.

Dad really looked great.  He looked rested and aside from the setting and the kajillion monitors, he looked normal.  He told me the specifics of his heart attack.  We cried together a little and I told him that he HAS to slow down a little and cut out some of the stress in his life (which he has plenty of).  I think it may be easier to stop a freight train Fred Flintstone style than slow this man down, but I hope his wife can talk some sense into him.  His doctor was not the one on call today and the one there did not want to make any decisions regarding the next step in his plan of care.  More than likely, he will need another heart catheterization so that they can see what all is going on.  The good news is that his cardiac enzymes are back in the range of normal, he is eating real food and is allowed out of his bed now.  His doctor will be in tomorrow to let him know where to go from here. 

His congenital heart deformity was found during his heart cath about two years ago.  At that time he had 50% blockage in two areas and 60% in another.  They stented one.  The congenital deformity is an artery (not vein) that is "misplaced."  It should run down the back of his heart but runs through the middle.  At the time of that cath, they said they could do a bypass to "fix" it but that since he had lived 52 years without a problem, they didn't want to mess with it at that time.  Now that he has had a heart attack, I guess that could easily be something they consider at this time.  Oh yeah, his cholesterol has been high for some time now but the recent tests showed it even higher.

My grandma told me today that her generation was the first in her father's side of the family where the men have lived to see 60.  She has her family geneology almost complete and it seems that the men have all died of heart attacks.  I wonder if dad's congenital deformation is a family trait that just hasn't been documented previously because of the inability to see it (technology).

Though I feel a little more settled after having a chance to lay my head on my daddy's chest as I have since the day I was born, I am trying very hard not to fear what the future brings.  I mean...I KNOW we all die.  That is the one thing we can all count on in life.  I know none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.  I'm just not ready to lose my daddy.  I guess none of us have a choice in that matter though.  I need to stay positive and not dwell on the "what ifs" because there are way too many of those and who knows if they would even happen...too much energy to spend on something I can't control anyway.

Thanks for your prayers and kind words ladies.  I don't feel we are out of the woods yet.

After monitoring dad's cardiac enzymes, EKGs, heart rhythms, respirations and all that jazz, his cardiologist told him he didn't think he had a heart attack but wanted to do a stress test. passed his stress test just fine.  The doctor doesn't think there is a need for any invasive procedures at this time and has released him home.  Wonderful news!
Dad told me sorry I made the trip for nothing.  I laughed and told him it wasn't for nothing.  I got to give my daddy my A/C fixed.  He laughed.
I hope this is an eye opener though.  I hope that several of the stressors in his life can be reduced because he is under WAY to much and he internalizes everything.  He rarely speaks to anyone about his inner turmoil or physical ailments.  I wish he had a stress outlet.
Thank you ladies for your prayers and support! 
A much more at peace Jen

Maddalyn is almost 10 months old.  She loves exercising her pincer grasp...aka she picks up every small speck on the floor and shoves it in her mouth.  Last night, DH found a piece of taffy in her mouth (thanks Sissy) and moments later he said "now there's something blue."  I pulled it out and tasted it.  It was not candy but something bitter.  I tossed it in the trash and wiped up her face and tried to get the blue off her tongue.

We went about our night normal.  Supper, TV time, reading books...but something was wrong with Maddalyn.  She kept rocking herself back and forth.  She'd rock, then lay her head down, then rock.  After I got the other kids in bed, I told DH it was really kinda freaking me out.  He agreed.

I thought back to that little blue thing.  What if it were a pill of some sort?  Joseph is on meds for ADHD.  I checked his pills and they were all there.  I utilize child safety caps and keep meds up high.  I decided to dig that blue thing out of the trash.  HORROR.  It WAS a pill.  It was an outer capsule that seemed to be 1/2 a pill and powder on the inside.  I put it in a baggie and headed to the ER.

The ER was a nightmare.  They couldn't tell what the pill was (and I didn't expect them to but thought maybe they could test it or something) so they decided to give her charcoal.  The charcoal binds to any medicine in the stomach and absorbs it so it doesn't get any more into her system...but whatever had already seeped into her blood supply was there.  So, here they come with a long, fat syringe filled with black fluid.  Maddalyn doesn't like taking medicine.  1/4 tsp is hard enough.  I knew the syringe wasn't going to work.  They tried, failed and brought a bottle.  Yeah...she's never had a bottle in her life.  I put it in her mouth, she kinda bit it just enough to let out some of the charcoal and she clamped her mouth shut.  They ended up putting a tube up her nose and down into her stomach, sucking out the contents of her stomach and filling it with charcoal.  That was 9:40 p.m. and that is when the crying started...accompanying the nonstop movement.

Poor baby was so tired but could not sleep.  She was unconsolable.  The doctor told me they needed to do a urine drug screen since we didn't know what she took.  The nurses asked if I wanted to leave the room for it.  Oh HELL NO!  Did I want to be witness?  No.  But my baby needed me.  Her needs come first.  With their 1st attempt, she peed...but not into the catheter or anything else...just all over the bed.  After their 2nd attempt, I told them to quit.  They weren't going to get her cathed.

They just left us in this small, HOT room.  Around midnight, I took Maddalyn out of our room into kind of...well, the nurse's station.  It was cooler and she started calming down and fell asleep.  Seeing her asleep, the doctor released us.  She had been crying for 2 1/2 hours nonstop with nothing comforting her.  She cried at the breast, she cried while I sang, she cried while I rubbed her back, she cried while I bounced her...but now she was finally asleep and we left.

That sleep was short-lived.  She woke as I put her in the car seat.  She bawled all the way home.  Once home, she cried until 3:00 a.m. when she finally just stopped...stopped crying, stopped wiggling and fell asleep.  I was afraid to move her too much for fear she would wake again so I just kept her in my arms as she fell asleep and sat in the chair.  We slept there until 7:00 a.m. 
So far today, she seems fine.  I expected her to either be really tired or really crabby and she isn't either.  So far, she's taken normal naps and is playing fine.

I still have absolutely NO idea what she ingested or where she found it.  The only scenario I can come up with was that it was one of Drake's ADHD meds.  He hasn't been home in 2 months but when he was, I trusted him to take his meds.  I would have to tell him to do so, but I didn't always WATCH him take them.  I wonder if he ditched them somewhere instead of taking them.  Although, I have rearranged and even steam cleaned the carpets since he left.  He has been on ADHD meds for 7 years...and Maddalyn is the 3rd toddler that's been in the house since then.  If Drake drops his pills, he is very good about telling me so that we can look for them together.

I'm glad she is feeling well today and hope that there are no long-term effects.  Definitely a very, very scary night.

As a society, we learn more and more every second of every day.  Part of what we learn discredits what we have known in the past. 

Would a parent drive around town without having their baby in a carseat?  (Okay, I have seen a few that do but I'm talking in general here.)  No, because we now understand there are ways to prevent infant/child harm/death by restraining them in a seat made specifically for their safety. 

In the early 70s, there were no laws about carseats for children.  I was swaddled in a blanket and placed on the floorboard in the backseat of the car.  You know what?  I turned out "just fine." 

How many parents now know the dangers of second-hand smoke?  I guarantee it is many more than in the 70s when my parents would take me to smoke-filled bowling alleys or to my grandparents' house.  Aside from a little asthma (which does also seem to be a hereditary trait in our family), I turned out "just fine."
My grandma fed her babies not by breast and not with formula but with watered down cans of evaporated milk.  My mom, aunts and uncles...all 7 of them thrived without any major medical problems...turning out "just fine."

Our role as parents is to assess risks and not subject our children to them.  When are we as a society going to stop taking unnecessary risks with our children's health merely because we "turned out just fine" when there is evidence and knowledge that a better way exists?

Do you want to be the best parent that you can be (with the knowledge you have available to you at the time) to ensure you give your children the best start in life...or you want them to merely turn out "just fine?"____________

For those of you that use cloth, you know the joy of fluffy mail.  Imagine walking to your mailbox late in the evening and seeing a package that looks like fluff...but knowing you don't have any on the way.  You pull out the package and take a look at the return address....but, it's your OWN address.  What is this??  Hmmm...tear the package open and find a note and....A GOODMAMA!!!! 

OMG!  I never have had anything so SWEET happen to me.  I would never buy a Goodmama myself because they are too expensive for me...and yet here I am...holding a squishy, soft BEAUTIFUL Goodmama in my very own hands. 

Thank you my Secret Santa...thank you SO much.